Saturday, December 7
9:00 am: Mary Wright, RIP
5:00 pm: Peg Flynn, RIP
Sunday, December 8
7:30 am: Church
9:00 am: Eugene Ewachow, RIP
10:30 am: Elena Buenvenida, RIP
12 noon: Vanessa Obligacion, RIP 7:00 pm: Jeanette Newman, RIP
We have had many people ask the Parish Office, what is the difference between the Mass Intentions (above) & the Prayer of the Faithful (below) names mentioned on the weekend?
Mass Intentions, listed above, are masses that people have come into the Parish Office for & requested. They are either Special Intentions or Deceased. These are masses that people have chosen a date for & paid a $10 stipend. (our priests do not read out the names at mass. They are published on our website, the Flocknote & the priests have record of the names before they say the mass for that individual)
Tuesday, December 10
9:00 am: Eugenia Battros, Sp Int
Wednesday, December 11
9:00 am: Wayne Parnell, Sp Int
Thursday, December 12
9:00 am: Nadia Ewachow, Sp Int
Friday, December 13
9:00 am: Alice Dombroski, RIP
Prayer of the Faithful- At mass on Saturday evenings & all masses Sunday our lectors read the Prayer of the Faithful. These names include those of the current sick & suffering of our parish. They also include people who have recently passed away.
There is no cost associated with the Prayer of the Faithful. You are welcome to contact the Parish Office & include the name of current family or friends that you would like included in the Prayer of the Faithful for the sick & deceased for weekend masses. (before Friday at 4:30 pm)
The names of the deceased must have recently passed away.
See below for more information.
All are welcome for Morning Prayer
before weekday masses
Mondays to Saturdays at 8:15 am.
Prayer books are available to borrow.
The St. Bonaventure CWL has a group of prayer warriors who pray for the intentions of anyone who requests them.
To request prayer intentions for you or for anyone you know, please contact Lorraine Clark at 403-510-5169 or email
Names are announced in the Prayers of the Faithful at Sunday masses & listed on our website.
To have someone included in these prayers, please call the parish office (403-278-7556)